Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yes, his name causes a bit of confusion, but there's lots to love about James Morrison. His new album, Songs for You, Truths for Me, was released just a few weeks ago and is already stirring something up inside the ladies as the source of the theme song to Overstock.com's new ad. And, while I think "You Make it Real" has a message that would be better served in a melodramatic love scene or at least an ad for a diamond company (i.e. the perfect "marriage" between DeBeers and Landon Pigg last year- pun intended), it is a good song.

I, on the other hand, love the chase and, as a result, I love his song "Nothing Ever Hurt Like You" off the same album. Take a listen to these tracks and the rest of his album on his official site, http://www.jamesmorrisonmusic.com/.

1 comment:

  1. Kitty - thank you for this! I'm now listening to "You Make It Real" on repeat (not thinking about diamonds rings though!)
    Also "Please Don't Stop the Rain"
